Bloomberg: в литровой бутылке воды может содержаться 240 тыс. пластиковых частиц Press RussianBy adminJanuary 21, 2024По данным агентства, бутилированная вода содержит больше опасных пластиков, чем считалось ранее НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 9 января. /ТАСС/. В бутилированной воде содержится в 100 раз больше пластиковых частиц, чем считалось ранее, что означает, что степень их угрозы здоровью человека может быть сильно недооценена. Об этом сообщило агентство Bloomberg со ссылкой на данные исследования, проведенного химиками Колумбийского университета…
Scientists Say They’ll Cut Back on Bottled Water After Learning 1 Liter Contains a Quarter of a Million Pieces of Plastic PressBy adminJanuary 21, 2024A recent study analyzed three brands of bottled water and found a liter contained an average of 240,000 pieces of plastic The average liter of bottled water contains a quarter of a million pieces of microscopically small plastic — and the researchers who made this discovery have said that although it might not be dangerous,…
(PFAS) in Drinking Water!!! PressBy adminFebruary 2, 2022Drinking Water Facts: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Drinking Water Updated January 2022 General information PFAS are a large group of manmade chemicals which repel water and oil and are resistant to heat and chemical reactions. Because of these properties, they have important industrial and commercial uses. PFAS are used in the production of…
Potential Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found in New York Drinking Water PressBy adminNovember 15, 2021A non-profit organization tested water supplies across the Hudson Valley and New York state and discovered chemicals that could cause cancer. Earlier this month the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit environmental company, released its 2021 Tapwater Database. “If you’ve ever wondered what’s actually in your tap water, we have answers. Our Tap Water Database provides insight…
Charged Particles Kill Pathogens and Round Up Dust PressBy adminMarch 11, 2020NASA Technology Before astronauts are able to undertake long-term missions into the solar system, they’ll need technologies that allow them to grow their own fruits and vegetables. For years, NASA has been advancing technologies such as artificial lighting, plant monitoring devices, and growth chambers to advance that goal. But it’s one thing to grow plants;…
Отрава? Можно ли пить воду из «фонтанчиков» в общественных местах США. РАССЛЕДОВАНИЕ Press RussianBy adminFebruary 28, 2020Отрава? Можно ли пить воду из «фонтанчиков» в общественных местах США. РАССЛЕДОВАНИЕ
More than 100,000 cancer cases could be caused by contaminants in tap water, study finds PressBy adminFebruary 8, 2020A toxic cocktail of chemicals found in U.S. drinking water could be the cause of more than 100,000 cases of cancer, a new study by the nonprofit Environmental Working Group (EWG) found. “The vast majority of community water systems meet legal standards,” said Olga Naidenko, Ph.D., EWG’s vice president for science investigations, in a press…
Americans exposed to toxic chemicals in drinking water ‘dramatically underestimated’: report PressBy adminFebruary 8, 2020Tap water in the United States is contaminated with toxic fluorinated chemicals at a higher rate than previously thought, according to a new report. “It’s nearly impossible to avoid contaminated drinking water from these chemicals,” David Andrews, a senior scientist at Environmental Working Group and co-author of the report published Wednesday, said. “Forever chemicals,” also…
Питьевая вода в США загрязняется токсичными веществами с большей скоростью, чем считалось ранее Press RussianBy adminFebruary 8, 2020Согласно новому отчету, водопроводная вода в Соединенных Штатах загрязняется токсичными фторсодержащими химическими веществами с большей скоростью, чем считалось ранее. Об этом пишет Fox News.
A lawsuit is accusing Poland Spring of selling “ordinary groundwater” PressBy adminFebruary 4, 2020Just how much of the water in a Poland Spring bottle actually comes from a natural spring? According to a recent lawsuit against the company, “not one drop.” Two years ago, a class-action lawsuit filed against Nestlé Waters, which owns Poland Spring, claimed that the company was deceiving customers by selling them “ordinary groundwater” that…